Friday, February 29, 2008


I was hanging out with my buddy Geoff last night and he said that something that really caught my attention. It's short and sweet, and it definitely qualifies as a musing.
"you can't look in a face like this and not believe in a creator."
This was the most adorable kid I saw while I was in India this interterm. Geoff couldn't be any righter.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


"It's a delightful harmony when doing and saying go together."
- Michael Eyquem de Montaigne - 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Abe would not approve

I was in Los Angeles this weekend with my Post-Modern Metropolis class touring Downtown.  As I was walking around I saw what seemed to be a business or court building with and interesting visualization in front of it.  As you can see in through the fence it's a large bronzed statue of our 16th President, Mr. Abe Lincoln.  Sleeping just under his nose is an African-American homeless man.  Somethings not right here.  I wonder what Good ol' Abe would say if he saw this?  I think he would be a bit disappointed. 
Abe had his war that he fought for to the end.  Even though some disagreed with him on both sides he still fought for those who could not fight for themselves.  He put into action laws and rallied the masses, which led to the abolition of slavery.  Abraham Lincoln the great emancipator gave an example that our society and culture has yet to grasp.  
We just walk by without looking at this other nation that lives on our street gutters and park benches.  Abe died for his war.  Sadly we are doing little to fight for ours.  
This photo was taken from behind a fence.  What I'm not clear on is which part of the fence i am on?  

Sunday, February 24, 2008


A website named wikilinks has been shut down by a US Federal Judge. 

You may be asking what is Wikilinks? Well Wikilinks is a website for whistleblowers (A Whistleblower is anyone who has classified documents or information that contains incriminating information and wants to divulge the information).

The website was available to anyone who wants to post information without any repercussions from the authority he or she is "whistling" on.  The way that the site is set up makes it virtually or in this case electronically impossible to trace the source.  The site had thousands of different documents, ranging from Guantanamo Bay documents (ways to direct inmates not to talk to the Red Cross), and information from Swiss bank accounts (ways that companies launder money).

there have been several attempts by Chinese censors to have the site taken down. All it took was the stroke of a pen by a judge.

This has turned into a 1st Amendment violation issue.  One columnist said that it was equivalent to reading one article in the Times that you did not like and then closing down the company.  How can such a thing happen? When the dispute first took place the company did not have a qualified lawyer needed to battle against such powerful institutions.  Now that the the incident has become more high profile there have been lawyers who have been willing to represent the company.  There will be another hearing on February 29th.

We'll be waiting to see how our government chooses to apply the 1st amendment even if it exposes them in the process.  Will the constitution be respected?

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I'm officially a "blogger." (which is the hottest word to hit mainstream media since terrorist)  
Also I'm taking the liberty of welcoming myself to this here community of thought.  

I am looking forward to dialoging with you, sharing and challenging one another in the quest for meaning to this life.

and while we are at it, why not have a little fun?