Sunday, April 6, 2008


A gracious answer to pray at a pivotal point in life.
This shared life of sorrow and joy has been mixed,
mixed with the narratives of a select few.
This selection was divinely inspired,
divinely orchestrated in perfect unity.
Common themes knit together contrasting paths.
Our banner will be unity in diversity. 

Brotherhood - a common bond amongst a group of men with a common maker


Maritza said...

and then there is titahood.

Titahood - a common bond amongst the tita and a common maker

love you brother

Rich said...

HAHA.. oh Tita, that was funny

Maritza said...

add me to your freaking list of blogs jerk!! are we even friends!!!

josh said...

this is good.

Carrie Allen said...

i need more blogs from Rich in my life...