Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Abe would not approve

I was in Los Angeles this weekend with my Post-Modern Metropolis class touring Downtown.  As I was walking around I saw what seemed to be a business or court building with and interesting visualization in front of it.  As you can see in through the fence it's a large bronzed statue of our 16th President, Mr. Abe Lincoln.  Sleeping just under his nose is an African-American homeless man.  Somethings not right here.  I wonder what Good ol' Abe would say if he saw this?  I think he would be a bit disappointed. 
Abe had his war that he fought for to the end.  Even though some disagreed with him on both sides he still fought for those who could not fight for themselves.  He put into action laws and rallied the masses, which led to the abolition of slavery.  Abraham Lincoln the great emancipator gave an example that our society and culture has yet to grasp.  
We just walk by without looking at this other nation that lives on our street gutters and park benches.  Abe died for his war.  Sadly we are doing little to fight for ours.  
This photo was taken from behind a fence.  What I'm not clear on is which part of the fence i am on?  


josh said...

this is really cool.
there is a lot going on in this photo and i like what youhave to say!

Maritza said...

this is deep richard. really made me think. thanks.

so it looks like you got some good out of the weekend you didnt get to spend with us.

Rich said...

yea some good. wish i made it out there though. im excited for sunday. i miss everyone

Steve. said...

Let's go hang out with homeless people.

Carrie Allen said...

i am going to make you a t-shirt...

"what would Abe do?"

Rich said...

haha i like that idea. run with it