Monday, April 14, 2008 news website I read

I highly recommend adding to your bookmark, as well as making it part of your daily news source. I have been frequenting this site over the last few months and I have enjoyed it more than any other news-site i've read. Yes i know even more than NPR, please dont hate me. It just has so much news from all over the world. I have learned more about global politics than ever before, it's quite pleasant. Now there may be some resistance and skepticism about this website, which some may claim as being pro-terrorist, and anti-American, but give it a chance. Compare their stories with similar ones given by more accepted sources and you will find that the contrast is slight. But hey the media will always be plagued with half stories and subtle (many times not so subtle) propaganda, so really give it a try. I hope you come to appreciate it as much as i have.

Thank you Steve for the reference.


Bethany Pee said...

anti-american? i like it already

Rich said...

well make sure you check it out little one